Chemical Labels 101

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Here at PrimeSourceOPC, we provide labels for all manner of products, including any chemical labels that you might need. Our team understands that chemical labels and the regulations surrounding them can be confusing if you’re not used to them, and we want to help you familiarize yourself with them. To do that, we have put together this article to give you a brief guide to the different kinds of chemical labels.

Chemical Labels 101

  • GHS Chemical Labels- A third kind of chemical label uses what’s known as the Globally Harmonized System, or GHS, standards of labelling. GHS labels use the same set of standards all over the world, ensuring that people in every nation can glean the information they need about the chemicals in question easily and quickly.
  • Diamond Hazard Warning Label- The first kind of chemical labels that most people will have seen are diamond hazard warning labels. These labels are placed on any chemical substance that poses a safety hazard of any kind, such as flammable materials, corrosive liquids, and toxic substances. Each colored quadrant gives information on a specific kind of hazard and the level of risk the substance poses in that area–red represents fire hazards; blue, health; yellow, reactivity; and white any special hazards.
  • Chemical Spill Kit Label- Another kind of chemical label is a chemical spill kit label, which, just as the name suggests, provides instructions on what to do in the event that the chemical spills. They provide key information on what safety equipment to use and how to effectively deal with spills of aggressive and non-aggressive chemicals and are a valuable safety resource in environments where this risk is common.