Flexibility for Labels and Stickers

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Variable data printing allows businesses to customize and personalize their labels through digital printing. The possibilities are light years ahead in personalized prospecting, and relatively affordable. Whether you need to create a one-off label or want to add a little variety to your existing products, it allows you to customize your label in a way that changes how your users interact with your products.

Flexibility for Labels and Stickers

How Variable Printing Works

Variable Data Printing (VDP) is a form of digital printing, in which components such as text, and images can be changed from one printed piece to the next making it a powerful tool for promoting products.

One of greatest advantages of using variable data printing is there is no slow down in the printing process to change out plates to create variations. All of your data is digitally stored, and the press is programmed to produce a variety of labels in the same run.

Through VDP you can systematically keep track of your products with consecutive labels and barcodes without having to create individual designs for each product. You can use a single design layout and variable data to print labels for various SKUs.

All you need are a few ideas and a digital printing company like PrimeSourceOPC with the technology to make it happen.

Why PrimeSourceOPC?

PrimeSourceOPC is a team of experienced printing specialists, in business for 40 years. Our digital printing capabilities are state-of-the-art and give us the advantage to achieve many Quick-Turn print opportunities.

Contact us today to talk to one of our experts about your variable data printing project.