What Does ISO 9001:2015
Really Mean?

HomeBlogWhat Does ISO 9001:2015 Really Mean?

The ISO 9001:2015 certification is recognized throughout multiple industries across the globe, but what does the actual certification mean? What benefits should I expect to gain as a customer from a company being ISO 9001:2015 certified? We will explore this topic by explaining how the process works and the knowledge needed to truly understand why this certification is so important when choosing suppliers claiming to adhere to these standards.

What exactly is ISO 9001:2015?

ISO 9001:2015 are international standards specifying the requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS). Organizations agree to adhere to specified standards displaying their ability to continually provide services and products that meet customer and regulatory requirements.

How Long Does the Certification Last?

All ISO certifications follow a 3-year cycle and are conducted by an outside certification company.

Year One: A company undergoes a 2-stage audit process. Stage one is intended to review the company’s current QMS to see how their standards align with the ISO standards. Multiple variables play a role in this process from operational procedures to the overall scope of management systems. Stage two is when the company is verbally recommended or rejected for the actual certification based off the auditors’ findings.

Years Two and Three: These are the follow-through and follow-up years. Surveillance audits are performed on an annual basis to ensure all ISO standards and procedures are being met and implemented properly. If all key areas are met, the certification remains credible and active.

Why Should I Choose a Company with the ISO 9001:2015 certification?

At PrimeSourceOPC, we pursued the certification to show our customers how valuable they are to us, by going above and beyond the normal operating measures to provide quality label production and the highest level of customer satisfaction. In fact, our Quality Policy is the driving force of our entire QMS.

What Does ISO 9001:2015 Really Mean?

As an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, we are customer focused, constantly monitor and measure the performance of our QMS and strive for continuous improvement based on our customers’ needs and expectations.

What Benefits Should I Expect from an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company?

  • Supplier Accountability
  • Continuous Improvement for Optimal Manufacturing
  • Cohesive Product Quality and Production
  • Affirmation of Receiving Top-Notch Service During the Buying Process

Working with ISO 9001:2015 companies may not always be required; however, it is highly suggested. We especially encourage partnering with a credible ISO 9001:2015 certified company when sourcing for a quality label supplier, either when beginning the initial sourcing phase or when in a time crunch and labels are needed now!


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